RUMA announces November webinar to celebrate the achievements of the RUMA Targets Task Force

RUMA Agriculture has announced the date of a special webinar 5th November 11-12.30pm which will celebrate and focus on the journey and success of the RUMA Targets Task Force. This is a free event and tickets can be booked here:

The RUMA Targets Task Force (TTF) group was conceived back in Spring 2016 in response to Lord Jim O’Neill’s seminal Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Review. The report, commissioned by the UK government in 2014 to assess the global problem of increasing drug resistance, set a challenge to UK Agriculture to respond to the AMR challenge and contribute to the UK’s One Health effort to reduce resistance to antibiotics and protect human health. The report put forward a number of actions to address the issue, one of which was to develop industry-led, sector-specific targets for antibiotic stewardship in UK livestock farming.

Fast forward to today and the RUMA TTF has been a major contributor to the efforts across all the sectors to understanding antibiotic use in UK livestock and helping to achieve the significant reductions in use seen over this time.

During the webinar attendees will hear from members of the RUMA TTF and their sector journey towards antibiotic use targets – covering the achievements, challenges, and looking ahead to the future.

*Please note this will be an additional webinar to the annual TTF Report launch the date of which will be announced over the coming months.

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